Dynamic Selection in Algorithmic Decision-making


This paper identifies and addresses dynamic selection problems in online learning algorithms with endogenous data. In a contextual multi-armed bandit model, a novel bias (self-fulfilling bias) arises because the endogeneity of the data influences the choices of decisions, affecting the distribution of future data to be collected and analyzed. We propose an instrumental-variable-based algorithm to correct for the bias. It obtains true parameter values and attains low (logarithmic-like) regret levels. We also prove a central limit theorem for statistical inference. To establish the theoretical properties, we develop a general technique that untangles the interdependence between data and actions.

Working paper
Xiaowei Zhang
Xiaowei Zhang
Associate Professor

My research research focuses on methodological advances in stochastic simulation and optimization, decision analytics, and reinforcement learning, with applications in service operations management, FinTech, and digital economy.
