Ranking and Selection with Covariates: Simulation for Personalized Decision Making


A typical decision making problem in practice is to select the best from a finite set of alternatives, whose performances are unknown and can only be learned from sampling. This is referred to as the ranking and selection (R&S) problem in simulation literature. Since the samples may be expensive to acquire, the R&S problem is usually solved by designing a sampling procedure that ensures certain probability of correct selection with minimal samples. Motivated by the emerging popularity of personalized decision making in various areas such as healthcare, e-commerce, and wealth management as customer-specific data grows exponentially, in this talk we introduce a new paradigm called R&S with covariates, where the best alternative is not universal but varies as a function of observable covariates. The goal is then to use sampling to compute a decision rule that specifies the best alternative for each subsequent individual after observing her covariates. We demonstrate the usefulness of our methodology via a case study in personalized medicine for selecting the best cancer treatment regimen. We show that by leveraging disease-related personal information, R&S-C can improve substantially the expected quality-adjusted life years for some groups of patients through providing patient-specific treatment regimen.

Mar 29, 2018 3:00 PM — 4:00 PM
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
Xiaowei Zhang
Xiaowei Zhang
Associate Professor

My research research focuses on methodological advances in stochastic simulation and optimization, decision analytics, and reinforcement learning, with applications in service operations management, financial technology, and digital economy.
