
(2024). Smooth Nested Simulation: Bridging Cubic and Square Root Convergence Rates in High Dimensions. Management Science 70(12):9031-9057.

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(2024). Learning to Simulate: Generative Metamodeling via Quantile Regression. Submitted.

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(2024). Seesaw Experimentation: A/B Tests with Spillovers. Submitted.


(2024). AI Persuasion, Bayesian Attribution, and Career Concerns of Doctors. Submitted.


(2024). How Does Risk Hedging Impact Operations? Insights from a Price-Setting Newsvendor Model. Management Science 70(7):4167-4952.

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(2024). Sample and Computationally Efficient Stochastic Kriging in High Dimensions. Operations Research 72(2):660–683.

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(2023). Regret Optimality of GP-UCB. Submitted.

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(2023). Dynamic Selection in Algorithmic Decision-making. Submitted.

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(2022). Knowledge Gradient for Selection with Covariates: Consistency and Computation. Naval Research Logistics 69(3):496–507.

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(2021). Surrogate-Based Simulation Optimization. Emerging Optimization Methods and Modeling Techniques with Applications, 287–311, INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research (Book Chapter).

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(2021). Ranking and Selection with Covariates for Personalized Decision Making. INFORMS Journal on Computing 33(4):1500–1519.

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(2020). Distributionally Robust Selection of the Best. Management Science 66(1):190–208.

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(2018). A Scalable Approach to Enhancing Stochastic Kriging with Gradients. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, 2213–2224.

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(2018). Data-Driven Ranking and Selection: High-dimensional Covariates and General Dependence. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, 1933–1944.

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(2018). Enhancing Stochastic Kriging for Queueing Simulation with Stylized Models. IISE Transactions 50(11):943–958.

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(2018). Scalable Stochastic Kriging with Markovian Covariances. Working paper.

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(2017). Ranking and Selection with Covariates. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2137–2148.

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(2016). Sequential Sampling for Bayesian Robust Ranking and Selection. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, 758–769.

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(2016). Simulation Metamodeling in the Presence of Model Inadequacy. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, 566–577.

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(2015). Affine Point Processes: Approximation and Efficient Simulation. Mathematics of Operations Research 40(4):797–819.

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(2014). Scaling and Modeling of Call Center Arrivals. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 476–485.

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(2013). A Bayesian Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Call Center Arrivals. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, 713–723.

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(2013). Robust Selection of the Best. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, 713–723.

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(2010). A Regenerative Bootstrap Approach to Estimating the Initial Transient. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 965–970.


(2010). On the Dynamics of a Finite Buffer Queue Conditioned on the Amount of Loss. Queueing Systems 67(2):91–110.

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(2009). Rare Event Simulation for a Generalized Hawkes Process. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, 1291–1298.

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(2007). Efficient Suboptimal Rare-event Simulation. Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 389–397.

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